Understanding Sunspots vs. Freckles

There’s a fine line between “cute” and “sun-damaged,” and the difference between freckles versus sunspots is a great way to illustrate this point. In this guide, you’ll learn more about these “solar kisses” and how to know when your relationship with the sun has simply gone too far.

Finders Keepers Miami Beach

Sun dial marks the spot! Our Miami fam knew where to find us recently when we set up shop with our mega Sonny in the heart of Miami Beach, Florida.

How to Prevent Skin Cancer

Skin cancer prevention starts by understanding that exposure to the outdoors always means exposure to the sun’s harmful UV rays — even when it’s cloudy. The best way to combat this? Wear sunscreen every day—truly. 

How Long Does a Sunburn Last?

What’s the fastest way to turn your tropical dream vacation into a nightmare? Plan a full schedule of outdoor activities on Day One without using adequate sun protection. 

Sunscreen Is For Everyone

Sunscreen talk? We're all ears! Dr. Laura Scott, our skin expert, is here to drive home the point. SPF in daily life? A must for everyone (yes, even you!).

How to do a Self-Skin Check

We get it, checking your skin can seem like a hassle, but trust us, it's worth it. Our pal and Dermatologist Dr. Lindsey is back with simple ways to DIY your own skin check at home.

Textured Waves Co-Wash Retreat

We were honored to be the lead sponsor at Textured Waves’ Co-Wash Retreat in Waikiki, Hawaii. An epic event with women from all over the country, surfing, yoga, and deep discussions. 

We Made Ads (about making ads)

We try to avoid bombarding you with a bunch of boring ads that guilt you into buying a ton of stuff you don’t need. But we love what we make and think there’s a chance you will too.

Dare Santa

As busy as Santa gets around the holidays, he'll never pass up on the chance to partake in some good ole fashioned dares—even if it means doing something against his better judgement.

Girls Rule

The energy was at an all-time high in Oceanside this weekend during the 14th annual Super Girl Surf Pro—the only community event of its kind.

10 Years of Bum Rush Tour

Back in the day, we didn’t have the cash to sponsor a bunch of pro surfers to compete in a legit contest decked out with shiny trophies and fancy champagne.

Project Purple: Behind the Scenes

Hey, we wanna show ya something cool. By now you know that we’re all about yellow, but just this once, we made an exception.

Our Thanksgiving Day Parade

We heard a rumor that the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade might be cancelled this year. So, we decided it would be kinda cool to put on our very own holiday production here at the office.

Support Your Local Surf Shop

We know it’s going to take a little extra love from our community to really get these shops up and runnin’ again—and we want to do what we can to help.

Sun Bum Printable Coloring Pages

Sonny and the ambassador crew are here. Time to break out the crayons.

Carissa Moore Limited Edition Collectible Vinyl

To celebrate our 10-year anniversary and latest addition to the family, we’re coming out with a limited-edition collectible vinyl of 4-time world champion Carissa Moore.