Project Purple: Behind the Scenes

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Hey, we wanna show ya somethin' cool.

Here's a sneak peak of our Purple Shampoo & Conditioner photoshoot.

By now you know that we’re all about yellow, but just this once, we made an exception. When we decided to launch a Blonde Purple Shampoo + Conditioner, our crew was pretty stoked. Not only are these little beauties like a magic potion for our blonde hair and highlights, but they also gave us the perfect excuse to play around with a bunch of purple goop for a day…during work hours. After going down countless purple-crazed rabbit holes for some inspo, including a deep dive into the backstory behind Prince’s ‘Purple Rain’ (it was originally written for Fleetwood Mac, but Stevie said it sounded too scary), we got to “work”.

Lucky for us, some of our friends volunteered to be our before and after "guinea pigs" and after a couple hours of us dancing around the parking lot (music selections will remain anonymous), we headed over to the studio to give Sonny his Purple debut.

He did great overall, but let’s just say that figuring out how to make a pool of purple liquid for him to stand behind and look badass was not as easy as it looks.

We can’t wait for you to try ‘em. Check out the dream team HERE.
